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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pisces - 1 Feb 2013...

Aquarius / Pisces / Aries / Taurus / Gemini / Cancer / Leo / Virgo / Libra / Scorpio / Sagittarius / Capricorn

your daily reading for1 February 2013

Pisces : Water sign
(Feb 20 - Mar 20)
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Enjoyable experiences, going out with friends, extended shopping expeditions or eating and drinking to excess result in you pushing yourself too far and you overdoing things. Remember that this way of behaving can do you harm in the long run and does not bring any benefits. Do things in moderation
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Success is not final...

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill (Photo credit: cliff1066™)

Success is not final, failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.
~ Winston Churchill
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

BP Tries To Cover Up Its Oil Spill And Accidentally Poisons The Gulf Of Mexico AGAIN

In a plot so devious and underhanded I'm surprised James Bond hasn't appeared yet, BP uses a toxic chemical called (ironically) Corexit to make the oil less visible to planes and boats. By using Corexit, BP is able to pretend that it's cleaning up the oil in record time when it's actually spreading it throughout the ocean and making actual environmental recovery much more difficult. According to three studies, the use of Corexit has increased the toxicity of the oil by up to 52 times. For an extra point, who owns a huge percentage of the company that makes Corexit? Yep, you guessed it. BP.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Talking through your glasses. They provide a live language translation...

B)Talking through your glasses. They provide a live language translation...
Here’s the scene: you’re traveling, and you walk into a little restaurant and the menu is entirely in a language you don’t understand, without pictures. You’ve got a couple of choices. You can leave, and try to find a place with English translations. You can try to hack your way through a conversation with the waiter, who also doesn’t speak your language. Or, you can point randomly at the menu and live with the consequences.
Well, in the future there will be another, better, answer. Live, realtime translation built into your glasses. Enter: Project Glass. British hacker and DIYer Will Powell has built a pair of glasses that can (albeit roughly) project a translation of your conversation onto your glasses. Here’s what it looks like:

We all know it's never gonna happen...

A little light hearted fun to make you and your friends smile.

Seriously, people should stop expecting normal from me.
We all know it's never gonna happen!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Some real good advice below...

Alien-like skulls found in Mexico...

Alien (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Alien-like skulls discovered? Archeologists digging at a location in the Northern Mexican state of Sonora encountered a pre-Hispanic burial site of 25 individual skeletons. Thirteen of those 25 have obvious signs of skull deformation, as well as 5 others with dental mutilation. Archeologist believe the burial site may be a result of over practice in cranial deformation or body modification.

Read more at http://americanlivewire.com/deformed-alien-skull/#JmaQHBfQmtsgpAhq.99

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Parenthood could improve mental health...

167 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    Being a parent could improve mental health...
    New research from the University of Otago suggests being a first-time parents could improve mental health.
    Being a first-time parent could improve mental health and reduce levels of psychological distress, according to research from the University of Otago.
    Researchers from the Health Inequalities Research Programme have reached this conclusion by examining the responses of 6670 parents in the Statistics New Zealand longitudinal survey of family, income and employment.
    "This is good news for new parents in New Zealand as it shows the effects of becoming a parent for the first time tends to have a positive effect on parents' mental health," says Sarah McKenzie, one of the researchers involved in the study.
    "However, it's important to note the improvements in mental health and psychological distress are positive, but not large in our findings."
    Unlike some overseas studies, the New Zealand study didn't find any major difference between men and women in changes in mental health and becoming a parent for the first time, Ms McKenzie said.
    The study took into account partner status, employment status, deprivation and household income, but Ms McKenzie says further work is needed examining the impact of changes in socio-economic factors such as income and employment when a child comes along.
    The research, which was funded by the Health Research Council of New Zealand, has just been published in the international Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
    Acknowledgements: NZN
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