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Friday, December 13, 2013

Word of the Day for Friday December 13, 2013...

English: A multi-volume Latin dictionary (Egid...
English: A multi-volume Latin dictionary (Egidio Forcellini: Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, 1858–87) in a table in the main reading room of the University Library of Graz. Picture taken and uploaded on 15 Dec 2005 by Dr. Marcus Gossler. Español: Diccionario de latín (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Word of the Day
Friday December 13, 2013

umbriferous \uhm-BRIF-er-uhs\ , adjective:  
casting or making shade.

Its white umbriferous blooms cover fields, ditches, and anywhere it can.
-- Wesley Henry, A Pilgrim's Path, 2007
Every city front or rear yard should be ornamented with one or two of these fruitiferous and umbriferous trees.
-- George J. Drews, Unfired Foods and Hygienic Dietetics for Prophylactic (preventative) Feeding, 1909

Umbriferous comes from the Latin word umbra meaning "shade," and is related to the word "umbrella."
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