Hutt's Blogesphere - My thoughts today...: Kronic - Pineapple Express banned in NZ today...: "The New Zealand Government has ordered that a Kronic synthetic cannabis product known as 'Pineapple Express' must be taken off the market. ..."
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Kronic - Pineapple Express banned in NZ today...
The New Zealand Government has ordered that a Kronic synthetic cannabis product known as "Pineapple Express" must be taken off the market. It contains an anti-anxiety drug not used in New Zealand, and makes users extremely ill and dehydrated. The drug contained in this product is normally only legally available through a prescription from doctors and health authorities. Another Kronic product is also suspect, while all others are being tested by health authorities.
Synthetic cannabis
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Synthetic cannabis
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
John's greatest gift to his best friend...time.
John's greatest gift to his best friend...time.
A blogging friend from another site wrote some years ago about a man she believed had been a real and true friend to her husband, who had a stroke in recent times. This is part of what she wrote.I would like to share it with you here:
"John visited my husband in the hospital after his stroke, and later in our home. He carried the conversation--because my husband couldn't. He entertained my husband with stories of old times, while they created a few new stories. John encouraged every little progress my husband made, and although a disability changed life as my husband knew it, John continued and continues to treat him with respect as a fellow man.
Aphasia not only robbed my husband's speech, but it also robbed his ability to establish new friendships. Physical disability resulting from the stroke compromised his cognition and physically robbed him of doing what he used to do for fun and entertainment. A real friend, John found something to do with my husband that enabled him. He brought cards."
So John didn't just visit his friend while he was recuperating, he became proactive and brought life to him at home. He carried the conversation and entertained his friend with tales of the old times they had also shared as friends in their younger days. It has been painfully slow as recuperation from a stroke usually is. He created new stories for his friend about now, in the present. He brought cards and involved his friend in trying to teach him to play again. Most of all he treated his ill friend with the deepest respect.
In my book the greatest gift John gave his ill and recuperating friend was good quality "time", his time to share. Just as important and valuable as the time you share with your partner and children, then good quality time is important to share with your friends. That is an example we can also share from John's selfless act of personal kindness
Acknowledgements: Jellen
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Thursday, June 23, 2011
NZ Government to buy 5,000 quake homes from Christchurch property owners
NZ Government to buy 5,000 quake homes from Christchurch property owners...
Around 5,000 homeowners in Christchurch's worst affected suburbs, known as the suburban Red Zone, will be able to sell their properties to the Government.
Prime Minister John Key has just made the announcement in Christchurch alongside Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee.
Mr Key says Christchurch has been divided up into four residential zones – red, orange, green and white.
Homeowners with insurance on September 3 in the red zone, which is where the land is unlikely to be able to be rebuilt on for a considerable period of time, have two options.
They can sell their entire property at current rating value to the State less any built property insurance payments already made.
The State would assume all the insurance claims other than contents.
The other option is that the Crown makes an offer of purchase for the land only, and homeowners can continue to deal with their own insurer about their homes.
Treasury has estimated the net costs to the Government to purchase all of the around 5,000 properties currently in the residential red zone to be between $485 million and $635 million.
The costs are expected to be met from the Government's $5.5 billion Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Fund.
Residents will have nine months to consider the offer of purchase.
"The varying degrees of damage to the houses and land in the residential red zone mean it will take more time to develop these offers," Mr Key says.
Current rating valuations on properties, which are what the Council's rates are based on, date from 2007.
Mr Key says it has taken some time to get information to residents because of the size, scale and complexity of the issues the Government has been dealing with following the earthquakes.
He says the Canterbury earthquakes have been major events and the Government is committed to getting things right.
"Each subsequent earthquake since 4 September has made an already large and complex challenge more difficult," Mr Key says
Treasury has estimated the combined cost of the first two Canterbury earthquakes to be equivalent to about 8% of New Zealand's GDP.
"Damage from the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan was just over 2 percent of Japan's GDP, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 cost about 1 percent of US GDP, and March's Japanese earthquake and tsunami disaster was an estimated 3 to 5 percent of Japan's GDP."
Mr Key says the Canterbury earthquakes have been major events and the Government is committed to getting things right.
"Since September last year, the government has been working to provide certainty for residents, while recognising many people have their life savings tied up in their homes," Mr Key said.
Kiwipete says: I don't think it will prove to be as straight forward as the government claims. Will the payout be sufficient to buy a similar property in Christchurch? The Government said sections could be made available to influence the reaction of the market to its decision. Those people affeced have up to nine months to make a decision. There is a general election at the end of the year and a lot of people will have made their minds up by then. The government's intentions may well be genuine at this time, but faced by the need to make political decisions later in the year, considering that a majority of people in the eastern suburbs are more inclined to vote Labour, the climate could change. The future may be less than rosy for some in coming months.
Acknowledgements: Newstalk ZB Staff/Peter Petterson
Monday, June 20, 2011
GBE2: Blog on: My first love - My 1939 Chevrolet Sedan...
I used to drive my "First Love " around the streets of Auckland inviting other potential first loves for a ride of their lives. My "love" was pale blue and I saw a photo on Flikr, but I wasn't able to download it. I have some photos of other identical cars of that model.
1939 Chevrolet Sedan
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
As many as 12000 homes condemned in Christchurch, NZ...
When will Christchurch's land plan happen - 12000 homes condemned...
When will Christchurch's land plan happen? It is believed that as many as 12000 homes will be condemned. People are becoming frustrated at the slowness of an announcement by the New Zealand government...
Christchurch's land plan...
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When will Christchurch's land plan happen? It is believed that as many as 12000 homes will be condemned. People are becoming frustrated at the slowness of an announcement by the New Zealand government...
Christchurch's land plan...
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Hutt's Blogesphere - My thoughts today...: Save the planet...
Hutt's Blogesphere - My thoughts today...: Save the planet...: "Save the planet! Its the only one with beer."
Thursday, June 16, 2011
GBE 2: Blog on: Out of control Christchurch City, NZ, to move westwards in coming years...
GBE2. Blog on: Out of control Christchurch City in NZ to move westwards in coming years...
Out of control Christchurch City in NZ to move westwards in coming years...
The latest round of earthquakes/aftershocks in Christchurch appear to have inflicted a killer blow on the iconic 19th century Christ Church cathedral in the heart of the city. Badly damaged in the first earthquake in September last year, further damaged in an aftershock just after Christmast,and badly smashed and munted in the February earthquake earlier this year, losing its spire (for the third time in its history, 1888 and 1901)the final straw came with the loss of it famous Rose Window, and the felling of its south wall this week.
Anglican Bishop,Victoria Matthews and Cathedral Dean Peter Beck, jointly stated the cathedral could be deconstructed,demolished and rebuilt further west. There is every possibility that the city centre itself will be moved westwards.
With much of the eastern suburbs damaged beyond repair because of the unstable land there, and probably over half of the CBD needing deconstruction or reconstruction, a decision may well be made to move the city westwards. It has become pretty obvious that our city's founding fathers made a huge mistake in draining a large swamp back post-1850 and building a town there.
Many cities and towns in Britain and Europe had to be rebuilt after World War Two and become superior to their predecessors. There is no reason why the once beautiful Christchurch City cannot rise again like the Phoenix.
I was born and raised in that beautiful city which some used to say was more English than the English themselves. Some of the old social networks were pretty overpowering decades ago, and obviously helped to create such a strong community spirit that has really come to the fore since the earthquakes during the last nine months. I won't be around to see what Christchurch will become in coming years, but I reckon it will be a great little city once again.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
Goodbye bro, I'll see you at another place...
Goodbye bro, I'll see you later at another place...
Richard, happy family times...
Goodbye bro, I'll see you later at another place...
I mentioned a few hours ago that my brother was very ill, and may not live too long because his cancer had returned. I spoke to him on the phone last night and he said it had spread to his liver. I did a Google search and found a health site in which it stated patients could have a three to six month life expectancy. Richard actually died a couple or so hours ago. We did not expect this. I began to think last night that I'd better get down to earthquake country and see him soon.
We suspect that he may have not told us the whole truth about his cancer a couple of months ago. He may have exaggerated his wellness. I will ask my other brother in Christchurch to speak to the doctor about the scans Richard had received a few weeks ago.
A great brother, a very popular and well loved father and uncle. He smoked cigarettes and liked a couple of drinks along the way. Usually at home, not in some bar or club. He liked a couple of whiskies. I used to have a couple with him on my trips home. But I haven't been back since my mother died 14 years ago. He gave up smoking after he was told he had beaten his lung cancer.
My eldest daughter loved her uncle, even though we have been rather isolated up here in Wellington and didn't get down much. But he visited us last year and we were very pleased to see him, his wife and a couple of the kids. Bye bro, see you some time in a happier place free of pain. Pain, I think that and the blasted earthquakes got to him. Two earthquakes and 5000 aftershocks are enough for anyone!
We will be going down to Christchurch on Thursday - funeral most likely Friday. We will be experiencing some aftershocks too, and experiencing the total shock of seeing my devastated home town.
So I will be missing from my blogsites for some time and also from my Facebook page as well. See you all later!
Richard has gone, and Mother Nature is determined to send Christchurch after him. Two major earthquakes, many strong aftershocks included - about 7000 aftershocks in total and more expected in coming months. How much more can the good folk of Christchurch tolerate before they all crack up and become mental cases.
Waimakariri River in Nth Canterbury. Richard lived on the banks of this river where he spent a lot of time over the years.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Japanese green tea under direct threat from nuclear radiation...
Japanese green tea under direct threat from nuclear radiation...
Because of the fall-out from the Fukushima nuclear plant, Japanese green tea, well recognised around the world for its purity and health benefits, has become contaminated by radiation, as have Japan's agriculture heartlands in general.
Japanese authorities said recently that green tea from the biggest Japanese tea-growing area,Shizuoka prefecture, now contain radiation levels higher than normal. This has caused debate and doubt among local and national officials on how to measure radiation and what is exactly a safe level.
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
GBE 2 Blog On: Superhero funeral for little boy lost and found drowned near his grandmother's home in NZ...
GBE 2 Blog On: Superhero funeral for little boy lost, Lucas Ward, found drowned just 400 metres upriver from his grandmother's home in Gisborne, New Zealand.
During the middle of June last year, 2010, a little blond-haired four year old boy tugged at the heartstrings of a nation. His face will become etched in their collective memories for an eternity to come.
For the time it took his grandmother to unload her groceries from the boot of her car, little Lucas Ward went missing. When she couldn't locate the boy she contacted his father and mother; Lucas had been staying at his grandmother's home in a Gisborne suburb, on the east coast of New Zealand's North Island.
His parents were soon joined by others. His bike was found on a pathway leading to the river at the bottom of his grandmother's garden. A packet of chippies, given to him by his grandmother just minutes before, floated eerily on the water.
Soon family, friends and neighbours were joined by police, firefighters, coastguard personnel, surf lifesavers and other professional searchers. Hundreds of other locals and city residents joined in searching far and wide.
For over a week they searched down the river, and on the river banks, in adjoining streams, at the river mouth in Gisborne Harbour, and on the city's beaches.
His parents and family were becoming distraught at the failure to find him, and a nation prayed for divine assistance it seemed. The little lost boy featured on national and even international television and radio news for days. His discovery was almost anti-climatic. Police had called off the official search for the boy, but a private search continued as the family refused to give up hope. A lone kayaker decided to go further up the river, and the little boy's body was found just 400 metres near a jetty by his grandmothers home. The little boy lost had now come home.
A family and a nation mourned his loss and the waste of such a young life and the potential he represented. Farewell little Lucas Ward. An RIP page appeared on Facebook.
The following was included in his last press report
"Four-year-old Lucas Ward will make his final journey dressed as his favourite superhero, Spiderman, and wearing Buzz Lightyear boots.
During the middle of June last year, 2010, a little blond-haired four year old boy tugged at the heartstrings of a nation. His face will become etched in their collective memories for an eternity to come.
For the time it took his grandmother to unload her groceries from the boot of her car, little Lucas Ward went missing. When she couldn't locate the boy she contacted his father and mother; Lucas had been staying at his grandmother's home in a Gisborne suburb, on the east coast of New Zealand's North Island.
His parents were soon joined by others. His bike was found on a pathway leading to the river at the bottom of his grandmother's garden. A packet of chippies, given to him by his grandmother just minutes before, floated eerily on the water.
Soon family, friends and neighbours were joined by police, firefighters, coastguard personnel, surf lifesavers and other professional searchers. Hundreds of other locals and city residents joined in searching far and wide.
For over a week they searched down the river, and on the river banks, in adjoining streams, at the river mouth in Gisborne Harbour, and on the city's beaches.
His parents and family were becoming distraught at the failure to find him, and a nation prayed for divine assistance it seemed. The little lost boy featured on national and even international television and radio news for days. His discovery was almost anti-climatic. Police had called off the official search for the boy, but a private search continued as the family refused to give up hope. A lone kayaker decided to go further up the river, and the little boy's body was found just 400 metres near a jetty by his grandmothers home. The little boy lost had now come home.
A family and a nation mourned his loss and the waste of such a young life and the potential he represented. Farewell little Lucas Ward. An RIP page appeared on Facebook.
The following was included in his last press report
"Four-year-old Lucas Ward will make his final journey dressed as his favourite superhero, Spiderman, and wearing Buzz Lightyear boots.
The preschooler, whose body was found yesterday in the Waimata River after being missing for 10 days, will lie at Tikapa Marae in Ruatoria before a private family burial.
The boy was honoured yesterday as schoolboys gathered on the riverbank to perform a stirring haka.
"It was magnificent," Lucas's great-uncle Brian Hunt said.
"Our family is devastated, absolutely devastated. We are coping together, coming together as a family, and we will go from there."
Plans were under way for a public memorial service but details were yet to be finalised, said Mr Hunt."
Yes, indeed, farewell little superhero!
The Frogblog
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The boy was honoured yesterday as schoolboys gathered on the riverbank to perform a stirring haka.
"It was magnificent," Lucas's great-uncle Brian Hunt said.
"Our family is devastated, absolutely devastated. We are coping together, coming together as a family, and we will go from there."
Plans were under way for a public memorial service but details were yet to be finalised, said Mr Hunt."
Yes, indeed, farewell little superhero!
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Lost or Missing,
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Open invitation to join GBE 2 Blog On - FB Blogging Group
Open invitation to join GBE 2 Blog On. - FB blogging group
Guest post: Open invitation to join GBE 2 Blog on. Facebook blogging group:
First of all, welcome!
Blogging GBE style is simple. Every Sunday evening, I’ll post the week’s (VERY general) topic on the GBE page. You can then interpret the topic any way you want and blog about it in any way you see fit. Once you’ve posted to wherever you normally blog, drop the url to your post as a comment into the weekly topic thread so that other members can read/comment. Blogs should be posted by the end of the following Saturday night.
NOTE: Please leave only the url for your week’s post on the weekly topic posting so that the thread remains free of extra stuff, making it easy for everyone to work their way down the list without having to sort through anything extra. Everyone is welcome to post anything they’d like on the GBE page, just not on that one weekly post.
Optional: If you’d like, you can also add the url to your post to the linky tool on my weekly topic announcement blog (I announce the weekly topics on my blog, too, so that non-facebookers can participate) right here:
For those of you who use Twitter, the hashtag for the group's posts is #GBE2, and we can increase readership if we all tweet early and tweet often. ;O)
One thing: This is for fun, and it should NEVER feel like work. So if you join in, feel free to skip a topic (or 10) and read/comment as much or as little as you want. NO PRESSURE.
That’s it!
Happy blogging!
(Elizabeth Grace, Group Leader)
The Blogfrog
Pull your pants up in Texas...
Pull your pants up in Texas...
Saggy pants will no longer be acceptable in the state of Texas. Pull them up!. We have all seen those saggy pants on youths - usually jeans that are hanging around their backsides exposing their buttocks.
They may be a fashion statement, but those guilty of the practice won't be riding on buses in Fort Worth, Texas any more.
The signs went up after the Ft Worth Transportation Authority implemented a new policy that prohibits any passenger from boarding a bus with saggy pants that exposed the buttocks.
Fellow passengers didn't want to see a person dressed(or undressed?)like that on a public bus, a spokewoman for the authority.
Acknowledgements: Reuters
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McKinney Texas,
Thursday, June 2, 2011
GBE2: Success is the end part of a long journey...
What does my trusty Chambers English Dictionary make of this?
Briefly, fortune (good or bad), upshot , prosperousness, progress, achievement, attainment of wealth, influence or acclaim, a succesful person, book, affair, sequence, or successsion. Dictionaries!
What did a couple of great men from history have to say on the subject?
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. - Abraham Lincoln (1808-1865)
Try not to become a man of success but rather become a man of value. - Albert Einstein (!879- 1955)
More quotations here
So what does this really tell us? In our pursuit of success, whether it is in our family life, employment, business, or sports and recreation, we should not become obsessed or narrow minded in that pursuit of our goals or dreams. What is important is how we conduct ourselves and treat our fellow human beings during that journey. What is the point of becoming successful when we and others know full well that we have abused and mistreated others to attain our goals. It would be really be a personal failure to be known as somebody who would walk over others to achieve his or her success. There has to be personal integrity, honesty, hard work, resolution and value in our success. That is my opinion after a long life of raising four children and being blessed with twelve grandchildren. That is my success in a nutshell!
Success is the end part of a long journey.
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