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Monday, August 30, 2010

Dead, stiff, forgotten for seven years

Essen, WeihnachtsmarktImage via Wikipedia(An old post from Thursday, June 28, 2007)

Dead, stiff, forgotten for seven years...

A man's corpse has been found in his bed...after nearly seven years, police in Essen, Germany, said recently.

The unemployed man, aged 59 years, had probably died of natural causes on November 30,2000, according to the date of a letter from the Welfare office found in his flat.

Next to his bed were cigarettes, an open television guide and Deutschemark coins, withdrawn from circulation after the introduction of Euros in 2002.

His flat was in an building with many offices and units, many of which were now empty.

"No missing person report was ever filed." police said.

Dead, forgotten by his family, if he had one. But who paid the rent? Would the owners of the building not investigate the fact that his rent wasn't paid? Another extraordinary story of death not reported.

Why don't you visit 'The Kiwi Riverman Post'  some time?


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