Quick and Easy Dinner
When you are busy blogging or working at whatever job you do, it can make for a very busy day. However, you and your family both need to eat. Following is a tasty, nutritious, and easy to make dinner. Not only is it fast and easy to put it together, but it lets you save money by using leftovers.
Creamy Mac and Cheese Ham Bake
1 7.25 oz. package of macaroni and cheese dinner mix
1 ½ cups of cooked ham or chicken, cubed or chopped
1 ½ cups (6 oz.) of shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup of cream style cottage cheese
½ cup of sour cream
½ cup onion, chopped
¼ tsp. of ground black pepper
¼ cup of soft bread crumbs
1 tbsp. snipped fresh parsley or 1 tsp. dried parsley flakes (if desired)
1 tbsp. butter, melted
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Fix the macaroni and cheese mix by following the package instructions, only exclude salt. Stir in the ham or chicken, 1 cup of cheddar cheese, the sour cream, cottage chest, pepper, and onion. Mix well and put into an ungreased 1 ½ quart baking dish.
Using a small bowl, mix the bread crumbs, and parsley, if desired, along with the melted butter. Sprinkle this over the mixture of macaroni. Top with the rest of the ½ cup cheddar cheese.
Bake 30 minutes, uncovered, or until entire mixture is thoroughly heated and the crumbs have turned golden brown.
This recipe makes 4 servings but can be increased by increasing the recipe ingredients. Serve with a salad or cooked vegetable.
Signs of the Times
Have a look at your personal Zodiac sign below to find out what lies ahead of you this month!
AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 19th): The month of May has you brimming with new ideas and chomping at the bit to get them in writing. Go ahead and get started so as not to lose your momentum. Someone has been watching you for awhile now and wants to get to know you better. It might be time to find out who it is.
PISCES (February 20th – March 20th): Magic and mystery keep you thinking that you need to do something useful this month but, at the same time, you don't know quite what that is. Everyone knows you're a dreamer and they accept you as you are. Those who don't are not that important in your life anyway. Forge ahead with whatever comes to mind.
ARIES (March 21st – April 20th): No one knows what you need better than you do, or at least that's what you think. Give people a break because they have things they need to do, too. Concentrate on your future and see what your goals need to be. Once you know the questions, you will find the answers.
TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st): May can be a fantastic month for you if you just sit back and let it. There are many special things you need to take care of this month and you already have a list of what they are. Passions run deep and you will know just what you need to do with them. Expect happier times than you've had in awhile.
GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st): Your fickle side comes out this month and you can't seem to control where it leads you. Hurting feelings was not something you ever meant to do but you just can't help looking over the fence for greener grass. Professionally, you do pretty well this month. Ideas run rampant and you take charge of implementing them.
CANCER (June 22nd – July 22nd): Even though you are known to be somewhat of a crab for the most part, this month you need to fight those urges. People will get tired of being around you unless you perk up a little. Do you really want to be alone all the time? Of course you don't! Start smiling, even if you have to FORCE it. Soon, it will be a real one.
LEO (July 23rd – August 22nd): You have a tendency to display a lazy streak sometimes. But that's ok. People expect a great leader, such as yourself, to be a bit laid back at times. You'll still be asked to be the leader of band on more than one occasion and you should take that as the highest form of flattery. Give the people what they want.
VIRGO (August 23rd – September 23rd): Stop being such a fuss budget this month. It's the month of May and you need to let yourself feel a bit of that spring fever. Take time to pick the roses and make a bouquet or two with them. Too much order in your life can actually cause a stressful disposition at times. Loosen up a bit.
LIBRA (September 24th – October 23rd): You're known for your fair judge of situations and people come to you for advice on many occasions this month. Be honest and tell things like you see them but do try to have a bit of compassion when you do it. Something exciting is coming your way and you will be hard pressed to contain an unusual burst of excitement.
SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd): You feel like you want to break free this month and not be tied down to anything. However, there is someone who wants nothing more than to tie you down in many different ways. It seems that you mesmerized the wrong person this time and now you will pay for that error. Don't worry, though. It won't be ALL bad.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23nd – December 21st): This month promises to give you the chance to get many projects completed that you thought would always be up in the air. Accept help where it's offered and don't feel guilty about taking it. These are still YOUR ideas, no matter how many it takes to get them implemented.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th): The entire month of May promises to have you excited about many things. It seems that as soon as one thing is completed, another one swoops in and begins. Your energy level is going to be quite high, which is a good thing because you will need it. Be aware of someone peeking around corners at you.