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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One for the birds here...

Male Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) in-flig...Image via WikipediaHere's one for the boffins: Did you know that in terms of body lengths per second, a diving hummingbird actually flies faster than a fighter jet? Yes, according to the University of California,Berkeley, USA.

Christopher Clark filmed the courtship rituals of male Anna's hummingbirds and calculated that when swooping to impress females, "the feathered acrobats reached speeds of almost 400 body lengths per second."

Such a speed is comparatively "greater than that of fighter jet", at full throttle, says Clark. When pulling up at the end of its dive, the bird is subject to a force of ten times the pull of gravity - more than fighter pilots can stand without losing consciousness.

So much for mere humans - one for the birds here!:wave::idea:

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