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Friday, February 19, 2010

The history of post-war generations in profile...

The U.S. baby boom generation is seen here as ...Image via Wikipedia

The history of post-war generations in profile...

First published at Qondio:

The history of post-war generations in profile...

The Builders: 1920-1945 The Great Depression and World War2 produced a generation with a strong work ethic, financial conservatism and respect for authority.

The Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 Born in era of financial prosperity, they are vocal on social issues and liberal in outlook.

Generation X: 1965-1079 Cunical about authority and open to new forms of spirituality, but in secure about their financial future.

Generation Y: 1980-1994 Labelled as flighty and transient, they are known as the "me now" generation.

Generation Z: 1995-2009 Tech-savvy, creative, confident and with strong work ethic - the result of more mature parents and the economic downturn.

Acknowledgements: Peter Petterson

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